Our favorite marathon training tips!

By Allison Feeney, PT, DPT

Cool weather, fall 5Ks & marathon season are among us. 

Having two marathons under my belt, I can tell you the marathon bug or the running bug in general is a real thing. After an unintentional time off from running due to life, weather and a lack of prioritization - I recently purchased new sneakers & went on my first run which got me so excited!


Every time I get back to running, whether its to train for a marathon or for general health & exercise, I pull out these tried & true tips. 

  1. Be patient with yourself: Distance, time, comfort with the run; it does not happen over night.  One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself is develop the goals for every run (whether training or a race) to “finish on my own two feet & enjoy the time on the course.” When the running gets physically challenging or my mind starts to become negative — i consciously tell myself these things.

  2. Incorporate strength training: When I ran my first marathon, scheduling and time seemed to be never enough.  I focused mainly on logging miles and strength training went by the wayside.  For my second marathon, I made strength training a priority and I had a noticeable difference in my runs and on race day.

3. Hydrate & sleep: Find a water bottle or cup you LOVE that you will carry around, fill up and drink the water.  Marathon training is a commitment & at times I would find myself attempting to find ways to fit everything in - which often led to late nights.  Sleep and recovery is just as important as logging the miles on the road.  Your body needs to be in a position to accept the demands training puts on it. 

4. Remember your why: If you’re training for a marathon or deciding to lace up your sneakers for the first time in a few weeks or months — what is the thing that got you to do this?  When it feels hard to get the sneakers on and step out the front door, take the minute to remember what got you excited to start in the first place. 

Whether you’re getting geared up for 26.2 or you’re simply running to enjoy this fall weather — FIXXED is your place for all your recovery needs.  One of the best gifts I gave myself was scheduling an assisted stretch the day after completing the marathon.

Book a free consultation here to see how we can support you through all your running & marathon needs!


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