3 at Home Deep Core Exercises
3 at Home Deep Core Exercises
By Kris Grinovich Minear, L/PTA
Want to move, breathe, twist, sleep, laugh, lift, or run better? It’s a simple FIXX! Work your core! Working all parts of your core - not just the glamorous six-pack - helps strengthen your lower back and reduce back pain, promotes proper breathing mechanics, activates your pelvic floor, helps align the ribcage, and keeps you doing the things you love!
Strengthen your deep core muscles should be simple and convenient! There is no need for complicated exercises, heavy weights, or expensive gym memberships. All it takes is 5 minutes and a comfortable space to start making your core stronger than ever!
Check out these 3 exercises that can all be done with a 99 cent playground ball:
1. Quadruped Asymmetrical Ball Press - Find a tabletop position on your hands and knees and place a ball under one hand. Take an inhale breath to relax your core and pelvic floor as you rest your hand lightly on top of the ball. On a strong exhale breath, straighten your arm and press your hand into the ball to feel your deep core and obliques contract. Try ten on each side.
2. Boat Pose with Ball Passes - Find boat pose first by sitting down and putting your feet on the ground in front of you. With your knees bent, hold onto the backs of your thighs and lean back until you feel your core engage. If you notice any doming or coning in your abs, then hold off on boat pose and keep working your side-lying and quadruped core strength! (And see us if you have questions about those!) If you feel strong and steady in your boat, float your feet in the air and try this ball pass variation! For an added challenge, pass the ball in between your legs while still maintaining a strong, flat core (no doming!) Remember to breathe and to keep your chest up and shoulders down. Try 5 passes in each direction.
3. Bridge with Ball Squeeze Hip Adduction - Lay on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Place the ball in between your knees. On an inhale breath, relax your core and pelvic floor, and on the exhale, squeeze the ball, squeeze your glutes, lift your hips, and engage your pelvic floor by lifting those muscles up and in (like a “sipping” sensation!) Try ten of these with good, full breathing!
Our core is a complex system of muscles. It is essential that each muscle group gets activated or we will experience imbalances that could impact day to day life. Implementing deep core exercises like these into your week is taking the first steps to building a strong unit that can support you and your life goals. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your core, or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Kristina@fixxedstudios.com, or book a FIXX by clicking HERE!
Fixxed is a first of its kind recovery studio offering bodywork techniques to help you move and feel your best. We offer quick and effective hands-on services in a one on one setting performed by a licensed physical therapist or athletic trainer. Click HERE to book a free consultation with FIXXED!