Why Does My Tailbone Hurt During My Pregnancy?

Why Does My Tailbone Hurt During My Pregnancy?

Dr. Ariel Edwards, PT, DPT, CSCS

Newly pregnant and wondering why you are experiencing pain in your tailbone? You are not alone! This is a very common symptom that many women face during their pregnancy. As your pelvis naturally shifts into more of an anterior pelvic tilt, the back of your pelvic floor may start to compensate and become overactive. This can put tension on the attachment sites around the tailbone causing the discomfort many women experience. 

Although tailbone pain is common, it does NOT mean you have to live with it! Here are three stretches that can help open up the back of the pelvic floor and reduce tailbone pain: 

Lacrosse Ball Self Myofascial Release: 

Grab a lacrosse ball and place it in between your sit bones. Gently roll back and forth to reduce any trigger points. This technique works to restore muscle motion while relaxing the surrounding muscles. 

Half Kneeling Windmill Stretch: 

Start in a half kneeling position and place a yoga block next to your front foot. Once ready, place the opposite elbow of your front foot on the yoga block. Then rotate your spine while bringing the other arm straight up pointing towards the ceiling. Have your eyes follow your raised hand while performing this stretch. Coming down into this stretch can help open up the back of the pelvic floor. 

Deep Yoga Squat: 

Begin by finding something to hold onto for stability. This could be the railing of your stairs or the leg of your kitchen table. Grab onto this stabilizer and sit into a deep squat. Make sure both feet are flat and your hips are open. Once balanced, gently shift your weight back and forth to each leg. This can help reduce tension in the back of the pelvis. 

Just because pain is common does not mean it is normal! Many people brush off excruciating pain just because “it is meant to happen”. Here at FIXXED, we want to ensure that we are equipping you with the tools you need to feel your best whatever the situation may be. Implementing these stretches into your daily routine is a great start! If you are still consistently experiencing pain in the following weeks, set up a FREE consultation to see if pelvic floor physical therapy is an option for you! We are here to support you prenatal & postnatal!

Fixxed is a first of its kind recovery studio offering bodywork techniques to help you move and feel your best. We offer quick and effective hands-on services in a one on one setting performed by a licensed physical therapist or athletic trainer. Click HERE to book a free consultation with FIXXED!


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