Five signs that you May have pelvic floor tightness

Let’s talk about what no one’s talking about 🤫

First things first, we ALWAYS recommend getting evaluated by a physical therapist or physician to determine the root cause of your symptoms. But here are five common symptoms we see associated with pelvic floor muscle tightness: 

💥 Pain with gynecological exam 

💥 Pain with tampon insertion

💥 Pain with intercourse

💥 Increased urinary urge 

💥 SI joint pain - this can actually be referred from trigger points in the pelvic floor! 

So if you’re experiencing these symptoms, what should you do? 

  1. Get evaluated by a physical therapist! A pelvic floor PT can determine if you symptoms are stemming from your pelvic floor and evaluate for tightness, trigger points, weakness, and issues with coordination. 

  2. Learn how to perform diaphragmatic breathing. Think belly breaths, slowly fill your abdomen with air, and let your exhale be longer than your inhale. Slowing down the central nervous system can help the pelvic floor learn how to fully relax. 

  3. Stretch your pelvic floor: A few of our favorites in the video above: modified butterfly with heels elevated, pigeon pose, and frog pose. Perform 10 belly breaths in each pose to help assisted with hip opening and pelvic floor relaxation. 

More questions? We’re here to help! Book a free consultation to start getting answers ⬇️

FIXXED is a first of its kind recovery studio. We offer many different kinds of fixes such as dry needling, cupping, assisted stretching, graston, Normatec recovery boots, and pelvic floor PT!


Booking a free consultation HERE!

📞 WAKEFIELD (351)-209-6126 

☎️ HAVERHILL (351)-667-6757

📧 kristen@fixxedstudios 


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