Is Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy Normal? 

Dr. Ariel Edwards, PT, DPT, CSCS

Worried about your lower back pain while growing your beautiful baby? Don’t be! Lower back pain is something many mothers experience during pregnancy, you are not alone! A combination of factors in your changing body can contribute to the pain you may be feeling. As your pelvis tips forward to make space for the baby, it can put increased demand on your lower back muscles. Additionally, the change in your center of gravity causes your thoracic spine to become stiff which results in lower back pain. 

Although lower back pain is something that comes with pregnancy, it does not mean you have to deal with it! At FIXXED, we want to see you thrive throughout your pregnancy and promote a smooth transition to motherhood! Check out our favorite exercises that promote improved posture, decreased stiffness, and take the strain off your lower back!

Bird Dogs 

Bird Dogs are a great way to strengthen the lower back stabilizers & transverse abdominis. For beginners, we recommend starting with the toe tap version. Start by getting into a strong base on your hands and knees. Then extend your opposite arm and leg while making sure that your back stays nice and flat. It’s important to exhale and engage deep abdominals while performing this exercise. 

Once you master the toe tap, try challenging yourself with some isometric holds by bringing one leg inwards then outwards to challenge your balance and core stability. When resetting, think about inhaling on the way down and exhaling on the way back up. 

Thoracic Mobility 

Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation

This type of thoracic mobility is a great way to open the chest, improve upper back range of motion, and counteract rounded shoulders. Start by half kneeling with your back leg next to a wall and both arms straight in front of you. Once ready, twist and open your arms to a T in an attempt to get both arms against the wall. Repeat this a few times on both sides while focusing on breathing and keeping a tall, neutral spine. 

Table Top Thoracic Rotation  

Tabletop is a great thoracic mobility exercise to improve your control over motion in the thoracic spine to help promote efficient movement patterns. Start this exercise by getting into a stable position on your hands and knees. Once in this position, you will place one hand on your head. To start the rotation, you will open up your body trying to point your elbow to the ceiling. Make sure your eyes follow your elbow as you rotate your spine. Once you reach the top, twist back to return to the starting position. It is important to focus on only moving your upper spine and stabilizing your pelvis & hips. 

Side Lying Circles

This exercise is a great way to promote improved posture while releasing built up tension through a gentle stretch. To start this exercise, lie down on your side with both arms extended out in front of you. Knees should be bent for comfortability and to aid in stability throughout the exercise. Once in a stable position, bring your top arm in a full circle. This should be a smooth and controlled movement that allows your shoulder to go through its full range of motion. Repeat this a few times on each side. 

Add these exercises into your daily routine and see how much your lower back thanks you! This is a quick and easy way to put you, your body, and your baby first! Still interested in ways to help your body feel its best while entering motherhood? Lucky for you, here at FIXXED we are equipped to make that happen with our Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Team! Email to set up a FREE Consultation to see if pelvic floor physical therapy is for you!


